Monday, March 28, 2011

IT's Been a While...

Wow, it's been a while since I posted here and I'm sorry for that.

It's not that I haven't been thinking of Kim much, because honestly that's quite the opposite.

When I go to my LG camp every year, we do Memory Stars... We go around the table once or twice, sometimes, 3 times or even more, and write down names on a post it star, and put them on a message board above the head of the diningroom table where we eat.

These are the names of people that for whatever reason, could no longer be with us. When it comes to us, we stand up, we say the person's name and a either a little bit about the person, why they are special to us, or why they couldn't make it.

My Mummy, Kim, is always the first person I put on the board. My first time @ camp after she passed, (about a year later), I couldn't get 5 words out of my mouth before I had to sit back down and just finish crying, whilst Catrina finished my speech.

The 2nd time, I managed to get a bit further. The third time, this last time, I managed to finish my speech, whilst crying.

There have been 5 LG camps since Kim passed, and we are coming up on the 6th. I've been to the last 3 in a row, and a total of 4 all together.

If I get the privledge of going again this spring (financial issues) I will continue my tradtion of placing a memory stary for Kim, but in the mean time...

This is Kim's online permanent memory star.

From a little girl, to her mummy that she loved so much.

-Piper/PiggilyTails/The Girl With a SMILE!