Sunday, June 9, 2013

How often do I think of Kim?

Not often, only any time there's a Bond film or a comic book movie, or Shrek (particularly 3, I saw it with K&P), Robots (saw it in IMAX with K&P) pretty much any other IMAX film. Anything with Richard Gere in it, all the Kevin Smith films, anything made by Disney, about Disney, associated with Disney, the Blues Brothers or anything set in a part of Chicago I recognise.

Anytime I hear anything by the Beatles or Barenaked Ladies or Alice Cooper or the Eagles, some tracks by Nelly Furtado, Lilly Allen or the Killers, Umbrella by the Manic Street Preachers (yes they did a cover), Smoke on the Water, anything that was used on a Bond soundtrack, Amy Winehouse for pulling out of doing a Bond theme, Queen's 86 Wembley concert.

Watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (we didn't watch much TV)

Things to do with Atlantic City or Philadelphia or Chicago or Michigan City or New York or Cincinnati. Amusement parks, particularly Six Flags Great Adventure or Disney Parks. Browns Mills, Red Bank, Red Lion Diner, Roebling Steel, the RiverLine, Railroads in general, Conrail or Winchester and Western in particular. Funny billboards, LED billboards, driving along the Schuykill Expressway, Micro Center, KoP.
Whenever I come out of Philadelphia Airport I remember the first time we met; 30th Street in Phily reminds me of the times Kim and Piper met me off trains. The trip in 2007 when we went all over Indiana, the trip to Orlando in 2008 which we took in her memory.

About half the time I see something to do with tea or with feet (these two things are related). Ordering the most expensive non-fish dish on the menu, fish dishes (again these two are related).

RonJons Surf shop, any time "young and irresponsible" is mentioned.

1001 more things.

Random times.

Nope I don't think about her much at all :(


PS Every time I think of something else that reminds me of her I'm going to add it here, so expect this post to double in size :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

5 Years. . .
60 Months. . .
260 Months. . .
1825 Days. . .

All of those numbers,  even if you add them all together, doesn't really give you any idea how much I still miss Kim.

I think of her daily, I miss her frequently.

I have found someone very special to share my life with, and we are being blessed with the opportunity to bring a new life into this world together, and all I can think of is "Kim would be so happy"... or "I really wish you could have met Kim"...

It's hard, especially with Kim being 746 Miles away from here :(

It's been what... 3 years now since I've been to visit?

I know she's not there, her spirit is somewhere looking over us, but I still have the desire and even NEED to show my respect and devotion by visiting her in Michigan City.

To visit her Parents buried right next to her and thank them again, for raising Kim...

To travel around the town, remembering all the stories she told me and Cat about the place...

I want to post more, but just don't think I can...

It's been 5 years since I looked at you, and I still wake up some mornings wanting to run into your room and tell you about the story idea I had last night.

I miss you Kim, and while my heart doesn't feel as empty as it did right after you left this world, there is still a hole where you once were.

-Piper/PiggilyTails/Kirstyn Amanda Fox/JulieChristine/Serentiy/RyAnne