Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Not even three degrees of separation

So Piper has been at the hospital... a lot. Between the scheduled appointments and the other stuff they should dedicate a bench or something.
But that's not the point of this post, the point is that sometimes I use google latitude to see if she's still there and also on the map just down the road is this thing that looks like an oval of track, and that would be because it is.

I can't remember which trip it was but I'm pretty sure it was one of the early ones, Kim and Piper were driving me around and we came to this part of town to see the old Vineland Raceway. If you look closer you can see there wasn't just an oval but a track that ran across what is now College Dr and onto Cumberland County College before returning back around.

That day we drove onto the property because there were no fences and got as far as the oval, it was an interesting little ride because the vehicle we were in didn't have the greatest clearances and the "road" was quite badly rutted. Piper and Kim talked about the geocache that's somewhere on the property but we either didn't have the time or the equipment to go hunting for it so we just had a look around and then tried to drive out. I say tried because I can remember that we grounded on the way over the ridge between the oval and the land next to the road and panicked a bit, it wasn't too bad, we didn't leave any of the car behind but there was a moment when we thought we might get stuck.

It's funny, Kim wasn't from the area but she knew craploads about it and its history, probably more than some locals who just take things for granted. Kim was interested in stuff, she looked beyond the obvious and did more than her fair share of research which is something I plan to carry on.

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